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November 29, 2024

The Mossad Wanted It

For over a year, we have been hearing ludicrous explanations from pro-Hamasniks who try to justify the October 7th Massacre. The most common excuse is “resistance”. They say that this happened to teach Israel a lesson, to get back at Israel for oppressing the poor Palestinians.  We’ve heard accusations of genocide and apartheid. We’ve heard out-and-out denials that anything occurred, even though there is more video documentation of the massacre than of any other attack in history.  But yesterday I heard something that completely blew me away.  Tell me if you’ve ever heard anything like this.

My friend Sean works in Maine with a female doctor who is, in Sean’s words, “a nice Palestinian.” Here is how she explains October 7th: 

“The Israeli Mossad is the best intelligence agency in the world. If 1,000 Palestinians were able to fire 4,300 rockets into southern Israel from the Gaza Strip; if 6,000 Palestinians were able to breach the Gaza-Israel barrier in 119 locations to attack military bases and 21 civilian communities; and if Palestinians were able to paraglide directly into Israel to massacre young music-loving festival-goers, then the Mossad – that leading, one of a kind intelligence agency – must have wanted it to happen. They must have wanted it to happen so that they could retaliate and begin their genocide, which was their plan all along.”

This is another classic case of DARVO*, which I wrote about in my blog post last year on November 8. Since then, DARVO is being used daily by college professors, strengthening and solidifying a twisted understanding by the young, impressionable minds of their eager students. Sean’s colleague in Maine, this “nice Palestinian” has taken the Hamas modus operandi and put it onto us. We are accused of something so far-fetched that it would be laughable if it weren’t so dangerous. 

Here is the excellent response that my friend Sean, who is not Jewish, gave her: “When have you ever in your life, or ever in history, heard of Israeli children being groomed to murder? The Israel wars are defensive wars.  Israel merely wants to exist.”  At that point, the subject was changed between them so as to avoid an argument. After all, she was “nice”.  But this is something we need to remember.  We must always be ready to speak up immediately, to refute the lies and distortion, to challenge the lunacy by presenting truth. The rumours fly, the accusations abound, and our only hope is to make sure we never remain silent.

Am Yisrael Chai!

*DARVO is an acronym forDeny, Attack, and Reverse Victim & Offender”.  It is a common manipulation strategy, a reaction that perpetrators of wrongdoing may display in response to being held accountable for their behaviour. Here’s how DARVO works:

  • The abuser Denies the abuse ever took place
  • When confronted with evidence, the abuser then Attacks the person that was abused for attempting to hold the abuser accountable for his/her actions, and finally
  • The abuser claims that he/she is actually the victim in the situation, thus Reversing the positions of Victim and OffenderIt often involves not just playing the victim but also victim-blaming.